
This command will perform data quality checks on the entities (clients/matters/users/groups) to ensure proper data integrity

Quality Checks

The command reports the following information:

  • # of matters with no EntityKeyMap
  • # of matters with mismatched client/matter pairing in EntityKeyMap
  • # of duplicate user/group/client entities
  • # of duplicate matter entities
  • # of matters with bad clients
  • # of entities with blank entityRemoteSystemId
  • # of entity IDs with spaces in the name

If any of these data integrity issues are found, please make the necessary changes to resolve them


The command will indicate any data integrity issues that need to be resolved.

Command output
Results of command execution

SQL commands

Matters with no EntityKeyMap

select count(*) as count from Entities e left join EntityKeyMap ekm on e.EntityId = ekm.EntityId where ekm.EntityId is null and e.EntityTypeId = 4

Matters with mismatched client/matter pairing in EntityKeyMap

select count(*) as count from Entities e inner join entities e2 on e.entitytypeid=4 and e2.entitytypeid=3 and e.parentremotesystemid=e2.entityremotesystemid left join entitykeymap ekm on ekm.entityid=e.entityid and ekm.parententityid=e2.entityid where ekm.entityid is null

Duplicate user/group/client entities

SELECT COUNT(*) as count from Entities e
        join Entities e2 on e.EntityTypeId=e2.EntityTypeId and e.EntityId<>e2.EntityId
        and ( e.EntityRemoteSystemId=e2.EntityRemoteSystemId )
        WHERE e.EntityTypeId<>4

Duplicate matter entities

select count(*) as count from
    ( select EntityRemoteSystemId, entitytypeid, parentRemoteSystemId, count(entityRemotesystemid) as count from dbo.entities group by EntityRemoteSystemId, entitytypeid, parentRemoteSystemId 
    having entitytypeid=4 and count(entityRemotesystemid)>1
    ) t

Matters with bad clients

select count(*) as count
    from dbo.entities where entitytypeid=4 and (ParentRemoteSystemId is null or ParentRemoteSystemId='' or ParentTypeId<>3)

Entities with blank entityRemoteSystemId

select count(*) as count from dbo.entities where entityremotesystemid=''

Entity IDs with spaces in the name

select count(*) as count
        from Entities 
        where ((EntityRemoteSystemId like '% ' OR EntityRemoteSystemId like '%') 
        OR (EntityDisplayId like '% ' OR EntityDisplayId like ' %') 
        OR (TimeEntrySystemId like '% ' OR TimeEntrySystemId like ' %') 
        OR (RecordsSystemId like '% ' OR RecordsSystemId like ' %') 
        OR (FinancialSystemId like '% ' OR FinancialSystemId like ' %'))